Thursday, December 19, 2013

Toppers Featured in PizzaMarketplace

Toppers was featured in PizzaMarketplace in an article integrating the best menu trends from the year 2013. VP of Marketing Scott Iverson discusses the innovative flavor profiles and bold new menu items that have been  dominating the pizza marketplace. Additionally, PizzaMarketplace featured a separate article entitled "Pizza experts share crystal ball predictions for 2014", which discusses continued innovation into the new year. Here pizza experts shared their thoughts on future trends to watch out for including forecasts of more vegan options, more ethnic flavors and more mobile support. 

Pizza executives reflect on the top menu stories of the year and Pizza experts share crystal ball predictions for 2014

By: Alicia Kelso
It is in our nature to reflect on the year as a new one approaches. And we've tried to do just that — pulling together 2013's top stories from the menu, as well as the top stories that had nothing to do with food at all.
We think we have (at least try to have) a unique perspective, covering the pizza industry as news releases pour in constantly, tradeshows come and go and feature ideas come to fruition. But we also wanted to get a pulse from those whose hands are most firmly on the beat of this dynamic, popular and fast-paced industry. Here are the biggest culinary trends from 2013 from restaurant executives' point-of-view:
Biggest pizza menu trends from 2013
"Customization and speed." – Lori Walderich, co-founder, Top That! Pizza.
"The whole fast casual pizza industry really blew up in 2013. Also, gluten-free has been a big trend." – Drew French, founder, Your Pie.
"Put simply, big, bold flavors. Whether in the 'better burger,' sandwich or pizza categories, I think we are seeing brands continue to push the needle by delivering customers unexpected and innovative flavor profiles that surprise, yet please their taste buds." – Scott Iverson, VP of Marketing, Toppers Pizza.
To Learn More:2013 Review:

Monday, December 16, 2013

Toppers in the Whitewater Register

Toppers in the Whitewater Register in an article titled, "For the Love of Pizza."  The article begins with some background on Toppers and how Scott Gittrich moved the company to Whitewater after getting it officially started in Champagne, Illinois. The article goes on to talk about how Toppers has differentiated itself by offering innovative ingredients and keeping a fresh and youthful attitude. The article then touches on the new pizzas, the popularity of Topperstix, and then begins going into more detail on Toppers’ beginnings. A tease to the complete story in this week’s edition of the Whitewater Register ends the article.  Click here for the entire article or begin below.
By: Heather Ruenz

Scott Gittrich has been thinking outside of the box – pizza box, that is – for more than 20 years. And while many things have changed as Toppers Pizza has grown, one thing hasn’t – his passion.

“We have great team members everywhere – youthful energy, great people and a great culture. The key is having that magic and passion while focusing on the customer,” Gittrich, founder and president of Toppers Pizza, said.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bacon + Honey + Mustard. A new Dippin’ Sauce is born.

Introducing the newest member of the Toppers Pizza family... Bacon Honey Mustard Dippin' Sauce!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Toppers Pizza partners with Feeding America

Feed the need! Your hunger and someone else's that is by donating a dollar to Feeding America. Toppers Pizza is matching 50 cents of your donation for every purchase you make!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Toppers featured on You and Me This Morning

Toppers featured on You and Me This Morning. The anchors discuss the three new pizza offerings on air as the camera shows close ups of the pizzas.  Click here or tune in below!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Toppers in QSR

Toppers featured in QSR in an article titled, "For Toppers, Creativity is Key in New Pizza Development." The article begins with some info on the new house pizzas and a quote from Iversen about how the brand stays ahead of the pack through creativity and listening to customers. The article then gives more details on the unique flavor combinations, as well as the new line of Dippin’ Sauces, and then touches on the new menu design. The article ends with a nod to the possibility of chocolate and bacon flavored Topperstix in the spring, and how Toppers strives to constantly surprise and engage their customers.  Click here for the entire article or begin below.

For Toppers, Creativity is Key in New Pizza Development
By: Marlee Murphy

Toppers Pizza is demonstrating its “irrational love of pizza” with three new house pizzas, which it launched November 4: Three Little Pigs, the Loaded Tot-zza, and El Cubano.

Scott Iversen, vice president of marketing for Toppers, says the brand's creativity and willingness to think outside the box will help drive the new pizzas.

“Customers are telling us how much they love the new flavor combinations,” he says. “Something that we are known for are these unique, old flavor profiles. We're willing to put some unusual things together on a pizza that maybe customers hadn't thought of that turn out to be pretty darn good.”

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Toppers in Pizza Marketplace

Toppers featured in Pizza Marketplace in an article titled, "Toppers adds three pizzas to new menu." The article summarizes the press release and pulls some quotes and information from it about the new menu at Toppers.  Click here for the entire story or see below.

Wisconsin-based Toppers Pizza will officially unveil ts new menu on Nov. 4. 

According to a news release, new options include pizzas with tater tots, pulled pork, diced dill pickles or French fried onions, in addition to the brand's signature Mac 'N Cheese Topper and Taco Topper.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Toppers featured on ABC Madison

Toppers featured on ABC Madison in a segment titled, "Pizza maker debuts new toppings & pairings on Wake Up Weekend." Andy shows her how to stretch the dough. The anchors also try tossing the dough. Andy also discusses the new menu items coming out and the locations in Madison.  Click here or tune in below.

WKOW 27: Madison, WI Breaking News, Weather and Sports

Toppers Pizza on FOX 6 Milwaukee

Amber Stark & Merrill Thomas of Toppers Pizza on FOX 6 Milwaukee in a segment titled, "Amber Stark, Merrill Thomas talk about pizza and tailgating."  Click here or tune in below.

Toppers Pizza featured on

Toppers Pizza featured on in an article titled, "Toppers Pizza coming to Omaha." The article explains Toppers Pizza has plans to open six new locations, a number of which will be in Omaha, and the first will open next spring. The article also touches on how Toppers fresh ingredients and creative pizzas are what separates them from other pizza restaurants.  Click here for the entire article or begin below.

By: Sarah Baker Hansen

Toppers Pizza, a national chain with one location in downtown Lincoln, is expanding to Omaha.

Co-owner Jon Crowe said the local franchise has plans to open six new locations, a number of which will be in Omaha, and the first will open next spring. Eventually, Toppers will also open a second Lincoln store.

Crowe said Toppers is looking at a number of different areas of Omaha for its restaurants: the 72nd and Dodge Streets corridor, the 38th and Farnam Streets area and the 147th and Maple Streets area.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Toppers in QSR

Toppers recently featured in QSR in an article titled, "Toppers Rolls Out a Menu Revamp."  The article summarizes the press release and pulls some quotes and information from it about the new menu at Toppers. Click here for the entire article or begin below.

Toppers Pizza, a 50-unit franchise pizza delivery brand, announced a menu makeover. The adjustments to the menu, which will officially launch on November 4, will roll out more of the customizable options for which Toppers has become known, like pizzas with tater tots, pulled pork, diced dill pickles, or French fried onions, in addition to it Mac ‘N Cheese Topper and Taco Topper.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Toppers Pizza in QSR

Toppers Pizza recently featured in QSR in an article titled, "Fall Spurs Brands Into Action in Fight Against Hunger." The article details how the Toppers Pizza has partnered with Feeding America®, the nation’s leading domestic hunger-relief charity. Scott Gittrich elaborated on the brands past success and proceeds given to Feeding America, and can explain how the brand is on-track for another record-breaking year in 2013. Every dollar donated to Feeding America® provides eight meals for families in need. He also elaborated on how Toppers is proud of its partnership with Feeding America® because of their commitment to giving back 75% of the money raised to the individual market in which it was collected. In order to spread awareness throughout Toppers’ units nationwide, Toppers Pizza franchisees have made Feeding America® a focal point at their specific locations, from developing Topperstix eating contests to creating special menu promotions. Click here for the entire article or begin below.

By: Marlee Murphy

Fall hunger-relief initiatives like September’s Hunger Action Month and last week’s World Food Day from the United Nations’ World Food Programme (WFP) have spurred quick serves into action to thwart the global hunger problem.

Taco Bell raised a record $3 million through its World Hunger Relief promotion, which ran September 26 through October 17. Customers were offered an opportunity to donate $1 to the WFP, which reaches more than 97 million people in 80 countries.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Toppers in University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point’s The Pointer

Toppers Pizza recently featured in University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point’s The Pointer in an article titled, "Chasing Dreams, One Pizza at a Time." The article goes into detail about how Joe Kirschling and Aaron Johnson loved Toppers as students at the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point and later opened the location in Appleton, followed by two more in Green Bay, and with a fourth coming in 2014. The article then goes into detail about Gary Mullins, Associate Dean and Head of the School of Business and Economics, who inspired them while they were students of his. The article ends with some details about their future plans with the brand.  Click here to read the entire article or begin below.

By: Emma St. Aubin

Ordering Toppers on any given night is an ordinary occurrence for many students, but for two alumni, Toppers Pizza turned into a lifestyle.

During their time at the University Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Joe Kirschling and Aaron Johnson, two college friends and roommates who graduated in 2001 and 2003, respectively, lived off of Toppers.

“Every weekend and often during the week we would order Toppers,” Johnson said. “You knew you were having a good time when Toppers was there because Toppers brought the party. Usually good things happen when you’re having Toppers.”

Friday, October 11, 2013

Toppers Pizza Releasing New Menu in November!

Toppers Pizza is adding to our menu and it's just what your tastebuds ordered! Stay tuned to the Facebook Page beginning October 21st for a daily dose of a new menu item, then mark your calendar for November when every item and more can be yours!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Toppers featured on

Toppers featured on in an article titled, "Toppers on track to break fundraising record for hunger organization." The article details how Toppers has partnered with Feeding America, and is on track to break its fundraising record this year for domestic hunger relief.  Click here for the entire article or begin below.

Toppers on track to break fundraising record for hunger organization

Wisconsin-based Toppers Pizza is on track to break its fundraising record for domestic hunger relief organization Feeding America.

The chain raised $46,328 in 2011, the equivalent of 370,624 meals, and $50,000 in 2012, the equivalent of 400,000 meals, according to a news release.

"We wanted to give back through a method that directly reflected and connected with what we stand for, which is feeding people," said Scott Gittrich, president and founder of Toppers. "Through our partnership with Feeding America, we are able to come together not as one brand, but as one family dedicated to helping fight against hunger in America."

Every dollar donated to Feeding America provides eight meals for families in need, according to the organization. In 2012, Gittrich personally matched 50 cents for every dollar the company raised that year. In order to further drive awareness to the cause, he matched dollar for dollar in December of 2012.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Toppers featured in QSR Magazine

Toppers was recently featured in QSR Magazine in an article titled, "See Right Through You." Toppers Pizza CEO, Scott Gittrich, discussed the transparency of the brand and the benefits of being an open-book to customers. For the entire article click here or begin below.

See Right Through You: CEOs walk the fine line between privacy and sharing
By: Jennifer Goforth Gregory

With the media and industry experts touting the importance of executive transparency, many brands and leaders are placing a greater emphasis on being open both with their staff and customers. But while the definition oftransparency may seem as simple as being honest about actions and motivations, putting it into practice in the quick-service and fast-casual environment can be complex and challenging, especially when it comes to striking the balance between oversharing and secrecy.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Toppers Celebrates National #CheesePizzaDay

Toppers Pizza celebrates National Cheese Pizza the best way possible - with our fans! Upload your cheesiest Toppers Pizza photo on our Facebook wall and we just might choose YOU to receive a $20 gift card of the goods.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Toppers Pizza in Nation's Restaurant News

Toppers Pizza was recently featured in the Nation's Restaurant News in an article titled, "New franchise leaders talk growth plans, challenges." The article, which included a photo, highlights some new hires from national brands by asking for their insight and industry outlook for this year and next. In the interview round-up, Chris does a great job talking about how finding the right people in the right growth markets makes all the difference in growth plans, along with offering some additional brand information.  Click here for the entire article or begin below.
By: Mark Brandau

Chris Cheek, Toppers Pizza: My experience has been that when a company wants to grow, it has to be by new-store openings, and in order to hit store-opening objectives, a lot of people have to tie it together, including someone in my position recruiting the right franchisees on the front end. Getting the best candidates in the right markets and getting the right real estate sites translates into opening restaurants, which helps the construction piece of the business as well. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Toppers featured on

Toppers was recently featured on in an article titled, "Toppers Pizza announces Chris Cheek as chief development officer."  Click here to read the entire article or begin below.

Toppers Pizza announces Chris Cheek as chief development officer

WHITEWATER, Wis. –Toppers Pizza, an eclectic franchise pizza delivery brand, is thrilled to welcome Chris Cheek to the Toppers family as the brand’s first Chief Development Officer. Cheek’s impressive and extensive resume prepares him perfectly for this new role, which will include franchisee recruitment, as well as working closely with both franchisees and corporate to oversee the real estate selection and construction phases of new units. He will proceed along with the new franchisees just entering the system, from assisting with site-selection to overseeing successful openings.

Cheek holds a mechanical engineering degree from North Carolina State University, and upon graduation, he went through General Electric’s management training program, eventually working in sales and business development for the company. In 2002, he entered the restaurant world and developed a franchise sales program from the ground up for Bear Rock Café, where he gained a wealth of knowledge for what would become an extensive career focused on franchising. From there, he joined Bruegger’s bakery-cafés in 2006 just as they were restarting their franchise program. Cheek worked on the development of both traditional and non-traditional venues, such as airports and military bases. By the time he left the company, he had added numerous new franchise commitments for Bruegger’s. In 2012, when Bruegger’s was acquired by Le Duff America, Inc., Cheek served as the Vice President of Franchise Development for the restaurant group with responsibility for Bruegger's, Timothy's World Coffee, Michel's Bakery Cafés, la Madeleine Country French Café and Brioche Dorée. In 2012, Cheek went to work for Freebirds World Burrito, a 26-year-old brand that was just beginning to offer franchising opportunities. Cheek was hired as their first Vice President of Franchise Development.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Toppers Pizza in Crain's Chicago Business

Toppers Pizza was recently featured in Crain's Chicago Business in an article titled, "Toppers Pizza plans more local stores."  The brief discusses the expansion plans for Toppers Pizza in Chicago. Jackie discusses the areas within the Wicker Park neighborhood where their expansion is likely to occur. Chris Cheek discusses the overall expansion plans in Chicago. Click here to read the entire article or see below.

Whitewater, Wis.-based Toppers Pizza plans to open at least 12 more restaurants in the Chicago area over the next three years. One likely will open on or near Milwaukee Avenue between Armitage Avenue and Honore Street, followed by two more by the end of 2015, said Jacqueline Apkarian, a new franchisee. Ms. Apkarian said she expects to sign a lease on a 1,600- to 2,400-square-foot space by
October. The delivery chain, which offers mac 'n cheese pizza, is seeking 10-year leases for nine Chicago-area locations of 1,100 to 1,600 square feet, with a focus on downtown, said Chris Creek, chief development officer for Toppers. Two franchises are open in Chicago, 727 S. State St. and 120 S. Halsted St., according to the company website.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Toppers Celebrates the Big 2-2!

Toppers Pizza is turning 22 this Friday and we want YOU to celebrate with us.  Stay tuned to our Facebook page and Twitter for a special deal this Friday, online only.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Toppers featured on Pizza MarketPlace

Toppers was recently featured on Pizza MarketPlace in an article titled, "Toppers CEO: Big pizza chains have lost identity, brand connection."  For the entire coverage click here or begin below.

Wisconsin-based Toppers Pizza reported a 7.7 percent same-store sales increase in the second quarter. This comes on the heels of its 13.59 percent increase in Q1.

The 50-unit chain is up 30.13 percent in system-wide sales, including a 23.81 increase in Q2. This mark sets the brand up for its sixth straight year of 20 percent or more increases in system-wide sales growth.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Toppers Pizza featured in the St. Cloud Times

Toppers Pizza recently featured in the St. Cloud Times in an article titled, "New, moving or expanding: 2 Toppers Pizza stores planned for St. Cloud." The article talks about the development agreements that were recently signed for two Toppers Pizza locations in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Furthermore the article talks about how they are exploring potential properties in the area, and how their management team looks to have the same success they’ve had in Rochester.  Click here for the entire article or begin below.
By: Kevin Allenspach

A father-son duo from Chatfield has signed development agreements to open two Toppers Pizza stores in the St. Cloud area — one in 2014 and one in 2015.

Myron Allen and his son, Keith, opened a Toppers last September in Rochester and, in their first week, set a weekly sales record for the entire company.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Toppers Pizza featured in the Stevens Point Journal

Toppers Pizza was recently featured in the Stevens Point Journal in an article titled, "Pizza man shows fast hands."  The article discusses Kelly Collins, Manager of Toppers Pizza in Stevens Point, WI, and his road to becoming Toppers Pizza "Skin Sprints Champion". Kelly discusses the competition, his path, and how he was able to come out on top. Adam Oldenburg, Corporate Operations Director for Toppers Pizza, discusses whyToppers Pizza has events like "Skin Sprints" and how it benefits the company as a whole.  Click here for the entire article or see the video below.


(Read More)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Toppers is giving away $1,000!

Toppers Pizza is giving away $1,000 worth of the goods! The best part? You can be the lucky winner! Do you have the record for the most late-night deliveries in your dorm or multiple triple orders in one day? Send us photographic evidence (maybe in the form of an Instagram) and you'll be automatically entered.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Toppers Tops Off with 60,000 Facebook Fans!

Toppers crossed a milestone Mark Zuckerberg would be proud of...the 60,000 fan mark on Facebook!  Special shout-out to all our fans who helped make the milestone possible.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Toppers Pizza featured on FOX6 Milwaukee

Toppers Pizza was recently featured on FOX6 Milwaukee in a segment titled, "Nick Gauthier, Frank Woppert talk Toppers Pizza Toss Challenge." Nick and Frank of Toppers Pizza have advanced to the finals of the ToppersPizza ‘skin sprints’ competition. They came into the studio and demonstrated the stretching and saucing of pizza that is required for the competition. Nick and Frank interacted with the anchors and got the entire crew involved on making their own ‘skins’. The segment showed several pans of many delicious Toppers’ pizzas. Click here for the segment or see below!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Toppers Pizza featured on KARE 11

Toppers Pizza was recently featured on KARE 11 in a segment titled "Sunrise crew tries their hand at topping pizzas."  Dustin Duarte and Chris Clover challenged the KARE 11 anchors and cast to a pizza making challenge, to see who can make the most pizzas the quickest. They demonstrated tips and tricks on how to toss and make the best dough and sauce, form the perfect pizza. Toppers Pizza hosts an annual competition where employees, system-wide, are encouraged to compete in Skin Sprints, where competitors are challenged to make as many pizzas as they can in the fastest possible time. Local Minneapolis and St. Paul Toppers employees, Chris Clover and Dustin Duarte, have moved past the regional competition by stretching and saucing six pizzas in impressive times. Chris and Dustin will now be competing in the finals at Toppers’ National Convention in Las Vegas on June 18th for the opportunity to win $2,500. Click here for the entire segment or see below.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Toppers featured in Whitewater Register

Toppers was recently featured in Whitewater Register in an article titled, "Topper’s continues major growth spurt." The article discusses the aggressive growth of Toppers and their plans to keep Whitewater as their headquarter city. Scott Gittrich says the brand is on track to open 12-14 stores in the states they currently have locations and that they have a vision of opening 500 stores by 2020.  Click here for the entire article or begin below.

By: Dave Fidlin

The restaurant chain known for such crowd-pleasers as Topperstix and macaroni and cheese pizza is in the midst of an aggressive growth spurt.

Scott Gittrich, CEO of Toppers Pizza, discussed his company’s progress and future plans with a reporter last week. He revealed a vision to have 500 stores operating throughout the country by 2020 and emphatically stated the company plans to remain anchored in Whitewater well into the foreseeable future.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Toppers' Top This Facebook Contest Set to Launch June 3rd!

Toppers is giving away $1,000 worth of Toppers...but not just to anyone. That's right Toppers lovers, we want to see what you would do for the delicious grand prize.  Enter your photo, video, or story of why you deserve the tasty za and we'll put it up to a vote. Share the goods with your friends, because the fan with the most votes will take home it all and then some. So, get ready and TOP THIS!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Toppers Pizza featured in Pizza Today

Toppers Pizza was recently featured in Pizza Today in an article titled,"Winning Attitudes Motivate your staff with friendly sales contest." The article discusses the different techniques restaurants in the pizza industry implement to boost the sales. Bridget discusses how Toppers Pizza has found that friendly competition does motivate their employees and can help improve the sales of specific items. Bridget expands on a specific method Toppers Pizza used, how it was executed, and the results of the competition. Click here for the entire article or begin below.

Winning Attitudes Motivate your staff with friendly sales contest
By: Nora Caley

Pizza Antica was not selling much bottled mineral water. The servers at the four-unit concept, part of the Bacchus Management Group of restaurants in San Francisco, were not even mentioning bottled water to customers. So Pizza Antica launched the Bottled Mineral Water Sales contest. The winning server was taken, as guest, to one of Bacchus Management’s fine dining restaurants.

“The server could observe the refinement of the service there,” says Robert Smith, director of operations for Pizza Antica. “This had a great impact on why to suggest certain items.”

Friday, April 19, 2013

Toppers featured in

Toppers was recently featured on in an article titled, "Toppers turns to Vine for Topperstix promotion."  The brief recaps how Toppers Pizza is utilizing Vine to celebrate Worldwide Topperstix Day, April 20th, 2013. The brief discusses how Toppersis interacting with its core demographic of college students.  Click here for the entire article or begin below.

Toppers turns to Vine for Topperstix promotion

Toppers Pizza will be utilizing Vine to help celebrate its Worldwide Topperstix Day April 20 by giving its loyal customers the chance to call the shots.

In an effort to interact directly with its core demographic of college students, Toppers is constantly looking for new social media platforms, according to the company. For Worldwide Topperstix Day, Toppers will let customers direct a pair of actors and tell them what they'd like to see in a video.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Toppers is celebrating National Topperstix Day, but needs your help!

Toppers is celebrating National Topperstix Day on April 20, 2013 with 50% off all orders of Topperstix!  But it doesn't end there...we've hired two actors to act out your wildest Toppers dreams.  Entries chosen will be awarded with goods on the house. So, ready? Remember, the sky's the limit!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Toppers Face Competition narrows down to the Top 2 Fans on April 8, 2013

It's a close raise for the Toppers Face fans who submitted their photo and next Tuesday one lucky and popular fan will be awarded $1,000 worth of Toppers!  Place your vote here for who deserves the delicious prize.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Who will go home with $1,000 worth of Toppers?

We've narrowed down our Toppers Face photos to 20! Place your vote now for which fan deserves the grand prize of $1,000!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Toppers featured on

Toppers was recently featured on in an article titled, "Pizza players slicing up success." The article provides information regarding the rising success of pizza chains and players in the industry. Toppers Pizza is mentioned for their fun and unique toppings such as their Mac ‘N Cheese Pizza.  Click here for the entire article or begin below.

Pizza players slicing up success
By: Nancy Kruse

That blinding light isn’t a reflection of the sun; it’s the collective smile power of happy pizza makers, who started 2013 with good news. According to retail-grocery researcher IBISWorld, the supermarket frozen-pizza category has seen revenues fall nearly 9 percent over the past two years as consumers, seeking freshness, authenticity and perhaps a little adventure, abandoned freezer cases and returned to pizza parlors.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Toppers featured in the Sheboygan Press

Toppers was recently featured in The Sheboygan Press in an article titled, "Toppers, WBFM team up for radiothon to benefit St. Jude's." The brief provides information about the radiothon that Toppers hosted at their location with WBFM.  Click here for the entire article or begin below.

Toppers Pizza in Sheboygan is pairing up with WBFM radio to host the annual Country Cares for St. Jude Kids Radiothon March 7-8.

With the goal of raising money and awareness for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Toppers will host a phone bank in the store, and will donate a portion of each customer order to the hospital.

Friday, March 8, 2013

We're paying YOU $1,000 to see your Toppers Face!

You heard right, we're giving YOU $1,000 for the Toppers Face that tops all, just a few days left to enter

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Toppers featured in Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Toppers was recently featured in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal in an article titled, "Toppers Pizza continues push into Twin Cities suburbs."  The article discusses Jennifer and Barry Friends plans for expansion into the Minneapolis suburbs. Mark discusses the plan for the Friends to have their first location open this summer. Click here for the entire article or begin below.

Toppers Pizza continues push into Twin Cities suburbs

Toppers Pizza is continuing to push out from Minneapolis into the Twin Cities suburbs.

Barry and Jennifer Friends said they have bought five Toppers franchises and are looking to open their first one in Chanhassen, Eden Prairie or Maple Grove.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Toppers does the Harlem Shake

Toppers has joined the ranks within the Harlem Shake youtube trend.  Things got a little crazy last Friday in Whitewater, Wisconsin. Check it out below!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Toppers featured in Nation's Restaurent News

Toppers was recently featured in the Nation's Restaurant News in an article titled, "Toppers Pizza ramps up growth efforts." The article discusses Toppers’ aggressive growth and strategy to have more multi-unit franchisees. Mark discusses Jennifer and Barry Friends’ deal in the article.  Click here for the entire article or begin below.

Toppers Pizza ramps up growth efforts
By: Mark Brandau

Toppers Pizza is planning aggressive growth with new franchise deals that could add 30 new restaurants to the 50-unit chain’s portfolio this year.

The Whitewater, Wis.-based concept took 22 years to grow to 50 locations, but plans could see it quadruple that unit count by 2020, necessitating a new focus on multiunit franchise deals, executives said.

The chain has inked its largest franchise agreements to date in the past few weeks, with two separate deals calling for five locations in the Minneapolis and Little Rock, Ark., markets. Since its founding in 1991, Toppers has grown via 13 corporate restaurants and single-unit franchise agreements, though several longtime operators now have built additional restaurants.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Toppers introduces Show Us Your Toppers Face Facebook Contest

Toppers is giving away $1,000 worth of Toppers to a worthy and deserving fan! Fans can upload photos of themselves indulging with their favorite Toppers menu item.  Photos will then enter a vote-off bracket, the winner will be announced on April 9, 203.  Enter here!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Toppers featured Nation's Restaurant News

Toppers was recently featured in the Nation's Restaurant News in an article titled, "Breakout Brands: Toppers Pizza."  The article details Scott Gittrich, founder and chief executive, and his booming brand.

Breakout Brand: Toppers Pizza
By: Vanessa Van Landingham

Best known among its growing fanbase for menu items that founder and chief executive Scott Gittrich calls “weird,” Toppers Pizza is using its irreverent, underdog attitude and eclectic pizzas to steal share from the industry giants.
When he opened the first Toppers store in 1991, Gittrich said he was filling a void in quality and innovation that he saw in the pizza segment.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Toppers opens in Ann Arbor, MI!

Toppers has reaches a milestone with their 50th location in Ann Arbor, Michigan!  Stop in 607 E William or give us a call at 734-585-5337. We're open until 4am.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Toppers Needs Your Help to select the Next Best Pizza Topper!

Toppers is searching for the newest addition to the Toppers family--and we need YOUR help! Starting with 40 mouth-watering recipes from Toppers Staff and narrowing down to 1 on February 19, 2013. Like us on Facebook to vote every 24 hours, we'll announce the winner on February 20, 2013.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Toppers featured in Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal

Toppers was recently featured in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal in an article entitled, "Toppers franchisee expands."  The article is about Derek Henze and his career path with Toppers Pizza. Derek discusses transitioning from Toppers corporate and how his military background has helped his entrepreneurial career. The article discusses Derek’s current locations in Minneapolis and his plans for future growth. Scott expands on how Derek has been a great fit with Toppers Pizza and their model.  Click here for the entire article or begin below.

Toppers franchisee expands
By: Meg O'Connor

When Derek Henze sees a cubicle, he only sees a cage.

That’s why he jumped from working in the headquarters of Toppers Pizza to opening and running Toppers franchises in the Twin Cities, with plans to open another 20 stores over the next five years.

In college, Henze worked full time in Toppers’ corporate headquarters as the national marketing coordinator in his college town of Whitewater, Wis. However, Henze didn’t see the corporate life as a land of opportunity, only as a place that would keep him from doing what he was trained to do.