Toppers Pizza owner/operator Denise Downing and La Crosse Division Fire Chief Warren Thomass discuss their decision to team up to celebrate the fact that October is both National Pizza Month and National Fire Safety Month. On October 5th, from 4-8 p.m., local fire fighters will be delivering
Toppers Pizza to residents via fire truck. Then, they will do smoke detector checks at every customer’s house, and provide free smoke detectors and batteries to any customers that need them. The point they're trying to get across, Thomass says, is that it takes the same amount of time to check your smoke detectors as it does to order a pizza! The article went on to discuss the importance of fire safety and upcoming plans for
Toppers to team up with WAFER for fundraising efforts in the upcoming months. Read a portion of the article below or check out the full story
Order pizza, get smoke detector checked

La Crosse and Ona-laska firefighters are teaming up with
Toppers Pizza to observe National Fire Safety Month and National Pizza Month in October.
Fire trucks will accompany pizza delivery drivers for orders placed from 4 to 8 p.m. Tuesday. Firefighters will check smoke detectors and hand out free detectors and batteries donated by
Toppers when needed while customers are completing the pizza transaction, said local
Toppers owner Denise Downing.
“The message is that it takes about the same time (to check smoke alarms) as it does to have a pizza delivered but can save your life. It is yet another tool for us to make a positive impact on homeowners’ safety,” Onalaska Fire Chief Don Dominick said. (
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